Granny Update Notes

Update v. 1.2.1
Granny's now has 10 new playable characters: "Frankenstein", "The Bride of Frankenstein", "The Creature", "The Mummy", "The Invisible Man", "The Wolf Man", "The Invisible Woman", "The Witch", "The Invisible Girl", "The Invisible Boy".
Added a new Game Over the end
Added a little Christmas feelin...

Update 1.2
In the Granny game, there is a new character selection screen to help players navigate through the different characters.
Bigger house to explore.
Granny has a "new" rusty car.
New pet
Now another way to defend yourself from Granny.
Fixed some small bugs.

Updare 1.1
Granny game now has new objects for players to interact with: "The Magic Mirror", "The Witch's Cauldron", Granny's now has new power-ups: "The Witch's Brew".
Nightmare option
Added a new game over scene
Changed the look of Granny`s pet
Added a new way to defend yourself against Granny